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  • Tilapia is the basic name for about a hundred types of cichlid angle from the tilapiine cichlid clan. 
  • Tilapia are mostly freshwater angle occupying shallow streams, lakes, waterways and lakes and less generally discovered living in salty water. 
  • Truly, they have been of real significance in distinctive angling in Africa, and they are of expanding significance in aquaculture and aquaponics. 
  • Tilapia can turn into a risky intrusive animal types in new warm-water territories, for example, Australia, whether purposely or incidentally presented, yet by and large not in mild atmospheres because of their failure to get by in frosty water. 

  • Tilapia is the fourth most expended angle in the United States going back to 2002. The prevalence of tilapia occurred because of its low cost, simple arrangement, and its gentle taste.

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